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South African School

Sandhurst Preparatory College

 We are proud to announce the opening of our preparatory school phase - named Sandhurst Preparatory College - we will offer a 'boutique' preparatory school experience in the heart of Sandton - located on the well-renowned Stepping Stones campus and taught by Honours graduate educators eager to assist your sons and daughters to be constant and fearless in all their educational endeavours.  It is here that tomorrow's leaders continue to progress by leaps and bounds every day. Call (011)784-0452/3/4 for more information. 

Sandhurst Preparatory College -

Mission Statement
Sandhurst Preparatory College (Pty) Ltd2013/202382/07 is an independent multi-faith school. We are inspired by our faith in God, and are a people of hope, imagination and commitment.
Sandhurst Preparatory College ®.is a place of learning where acceptance and belonging prevails. We value the unique richness of every individual member of the school community.
In a dynamic and stimulating environment, we provide an education of body, mind and spirit. We educate for life. We help young people to become happy, confident and competent people of hope and personal integrity, with a deep sense of justice and compassion, and with a sense of social responsibility to positively contribute to and transform the world around them. We are united around a set of values that shape our vision and practice of education.
Key values of Sandhurst Preparatory College (Pty)Ltd 2013/202382/07

·         The ethos of the school

The ethos of the school is underpinned by core values. We recognise the multi-faith aspect of our school community, and so all learners are encouraged to appreciate and develop their own faith and to respect the faith of others more deeply.

·         Society and nation building

Learners participate in community service that encourages them to show compassion for those in need and to be responsible citizens and effective decision makers.

·         A multicultural, non-racial and non-sexist learning environment

A learning environment in which all members of our diverse community are encouraged to understand, accept and respect each other to foster hope for the future.

·         The school community

The school community is one in which there is a commitment to a shared vision, effective communication, respect and courtesy in order to form a basis for the partnership between parents, learners, educators, management and support staff.

·         Holistic education

Holistic education is one that develops the spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual and physical potential of the learner by developing life skills and fostering growth of the individual and the community through the academic, extramural and other elements of the school curriculum.

·         Personal success and educational excellence

The notion of personal success and educational excellence refers to the potential of each child being reached academically, extramurally and spiritually. It also refers to the dedication of our educators and parents to providing educational resources and support so that our learners develop a love for learning.

·         Learner-centred education

Learner-centred education focuses on the individual’s needs and abilities, and allows diversity to be recognised within a spirit of discipline and acceptance, without compromising the integrity of Sandhurst Preparatory College ®.
To give effect to these values and objectives all staff, learners and parents of Sandhurst Preparatory College ®.make a commitment to abide by and support the policies as adopted and as amended by the Members.
The School Charter does not replace but informs the school rules and policies of Sandhurst Preparatory College ®. All members of Sandhurst Preparatory College ® community are entitled to due process as outlined in the school rules and policies. This commitment in no way negates the individual’s rights as enshrined in the constitution of our country.'
Management and staff of the School are committed to:

·                Instilling into each individual learner a sound spiritual and moral attitude, based on the values of love, justice, compassion, respect, care, acceptance and tolerance.

·                Developing a curriculum of excellence.

·                Setting the highest standards of work and behaviour for all learners.

·                Protecting the dignity of all who are a part of our school community.

·                Creating a loving and caring environment for the learners.

·                Fostering strong communication with parents as the basis for close co-operation.

·                Conducting ourselves in accordance with the Code of Professional Conduct of the South African Council for Educators.

·                Being heard by parents and learners.

·                Listening to parents and learners and understanding any concerns raised.

·                Providing the appropriate time and place for full and confidential discussion.

·                Establishing reasonable expectations for solving any issues or problems.

·                Establishing a written action plan for any proposed or agreed solution.

·                Reporting and reviewing the action plan.

·                Providing an opportunity to a parent or learner to work towards a solution.

·                Recognising that:

-               Parents have a depth of experience with the learner.

-               Parental and educator perspectives may justifiably differ.

-               Parents have multiple time commitments.
                        Parents/Guardians of Sandhurst Preparatory College ®.are committed to:

·               Helping and encouraging children to develop strong spiritual and moral values.

·               Taking an active and supportive interest in the School’s aspirations.

·               Taking an active interest in children’s work and progress and in this regard regularly attending parents’ meetings.

·               Supporting the values, authority and discipline of the school.

·               Ensuring children abide by the school rules.

·               Reading and committing themselves to the relevant policy documents that pertain to them at this school.

·               Being heard by educators.

·               Listening to educators.

·               Holding discussions with educators at a time and place that permits full and confidential exploration of issues:

-               Concerns will be directed at the educator only.

-               The issue / problem will be articulated clearly and fully.

-               Educators will be afforded the opportunity to work towards a solution, which will require sufficient time.

·               Recognising that:

-               Educators are trained professionals.

-               Educators’ perspectives may differ from parents’.

-               Educators have multiple time commitments.
                        Learners of Sandhurst Preparatory College ®.are committed to:

·               Behaving and acting in a manner which reflects the values of the School.

·               Respecting and being courteous and co-operative with educators, other College staff, other learners and visitors, at all times.

·               Attending school regularly, and on time.

·               Aiming to achieve their highest standard in all areas of College life.

·               Completing all homework and assignments with pride and to their highest level of competence.

·               Wearing the correct school uniform and appearing smart at all times.

·               Respecting the feelings and property of other people, both in College and in the community.

·               Caring for the buildings, furniture, equipment and grounds of the school.

·               Supporting and abiding by the school rules that apply.


The absence of a specific guideline in Sandhurst Preparatory College’s ®. Charter does not relieve an individual of his or her responsibility to behave in what would be considered a fair and reasonable manner in all situations related to the school.
At Sandhurst Preparatory College (Pty)Ltd2013/202382/07 we will:
 Follow the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) CAPS syllabus as our minimum standard  
 Operate as an independent, self-supporting institution (PTY) Ltd
 Provide other community services during the life of the school
Furthermore, we see ourselves as an extension of each learner’s family, and we hope to develop a warm, loving atmosphere within the school.
The school is completely self-supporting, through fees that are paid by the parents
Sandhurst Preparatory College ®.School Hours
Foundation Phase (Grades R-3) 07h45-13h15
Junior Phase (Grades 4-6) 07h45-13h45
Senior Phase (Grades 7) 07h45-14h15
The children are to be dropped off between 07h00 and 07h30 in the mornings. Please do not drop your child off earlier than this for security reasons. Foundation Phase children will be walked to their pick-up zone by their class teachers in the afternoons. Please make arrangements to collect your child no later than half an hour after the end of each school day.
Contact Details / School Address
Sandhurst Preparatory College ®.
81a Olympia Avenue
Contact details:
Telephone: 011 784 0452//3/4
Fax: 086 684 1320/ 011 784 0455
Account Queries: 

School Motto - Constant and Fearless

General Conduct
Our school motto is Constant and Fearless – it is derived from the Hemphill family motto which was originally used in its Latin form: "Constanter ac non timide,"
We are also guided by the principle“Umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu" – A person is a person through other persons. It is a traditional African philosophy that offers us an understanding of ourselves in relation with the world. According to Ubuntu, there exists a common bond between us all and it is through this bond, through our interaction with our fellow human beings, that we discover our own human qualities. We affirm our humanity when we acknowledge that of others."Umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu" has its roots in humanist African philosophy, where the idea of community is one of the building blocks of society. The South African Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu describes Ubuntu as: "It is the essence of being human. It speaks of the fact that my humanity is caught up and is inextricably bound up in yours. I am human because I belong. It speaks about wholeness, it speaks about compassion. A person with Ubuntu is welcoming, hospitable, warm and generous, willing to share. Such people are open and available to others, willing to be vulnerable, affirming of others, do not feel threatened that others are able and good, for they have a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that they belong in a greater whole. They know that they are diminished when others are humiliated, diminished when others are oppressed, diminished when others are treated as if they were less than who they are. The quality of Ubuntu gives people resilience, enabling them to survive and emerge still human despite all efforts to dehumanize them."
 Pupils are expected to have respect for others’ opinions and property.
 Pupils are expected to dismiss in an orderly fashion at breaks and at the end of the day.
 Pupils are not permitted to buy, sell or distribute anything on the school property. Queries must be addressed to the office.
 Pupils are cautioned not to loiter near the school gates or teachers’ cars and are to be “street wise” regarding strangers.
 No physical or verbal bullying will be tolerated.
 Parents are requested to uphold punctuality, because the children learn by example.
 Pupils are to take pride in their school and be aware of litter and not to vandalise school property.
 Pupils may not be left to wait on the school property after school, unless they are participating in an extra mural activity.
School Rules
 We wear the correct uniform and look smart.
 We arrive at school on time.
 We never swear, and we show self-control.
 We do not litter. We keep our classrooms and school grounds clean.
We take pride in our school.
 We walk on the corridors and do not play inappropriately in the classrooms.
 We are well-mannered and always show respect to each other.
 We wait inside the school grounds until we are collected by our parent/ guardian.
 Self-discipline is the best form of discipline.
Playground Rules
 We may play contact sports only if we exercise the appropriate restraint and there is adult supervision
 We only throw soft balls/ bean bags in the playground
 We play in the correct playground.
 We may climb jungle gyms not the trees.
 After break we need to settle and be ready to learn.
Standards of Courtesy
Learners are expected to:

·         Obey instructions given by members of staff, monitors, leaders and class captains

·         Stand when an adult enters the room

·         Greet the teacher at the beginning of a lesson before sitting down, and wait to be dismissed by the teacher at the end of a lesson

·         Make way for adults on stairs or corridors

·         Greet visitors in the corridors and offer assistance where necessary

·         Greet teachers and senior children in the corridors and on the grounds
Disciplinary Code

·         Repeated flouting of rules and disregarding the needs of others, may result in the offending party being asked to attend a disciplinary discussion.

·         In the event of the continuation of unacceptable behaviour, the learner may be asked to leave the school.

·         Parents may be asked to fetch the children for certain transgressions such as swearing, lewd or violent behaviour.

·         Should there be due cause, parents may be asked to take their child for evaluation, and consequent professional assistance.

·         Should this request fail to be adhered to, the learner may be asked to leave the school.
The children are expected to be neat, clean, and be well-groomed. No nail polish, hair colouring or gel may be worn.
School uniform is to be worn at all times, and must remain clean and neat. Nails are to be kept short.
No make-up or permanent tattooed make-up is permitted.
Hair must be neat and clean at all times as per our uniform guideline. Hair may not be permed or coloured, but may be relaxed. Any extensions must be the same colour as the natural hair.
A maximum of two ponytails may be worn. As hair fashions change, the principal has the right to ask
any girl to change a hairstyle that is not appropriate.

School Uniform - Girls
Summer - Foundation Phase (Grades 1-3):
• Tartan skort – red and black - Cunningham tartan
• Short sleeved white shirt (open neck) with school badge
• Red hat with school badge
• Black unisex velcro sandals (Green Cross or Bata Toughies)
Summer - Intermediate/ Senior/ Phases (Grades 4-7):
• Tartan skirt – red and black - Cunningham tartan
• Short sleeved white shirt (open neck) with school badge
• White ankle socks
• Black unisex velcro shoes (Green Cross or Bata Toughies)
Winter Uniform - Foundation Phase (Grades 1-3):
• Tartan skort
• Long sleeved white shirt
• Tartan tie
• Thick black stockings (Woolworths stock non-ladder tights)
• Black unisex velcro shoes (Green Cross or Bata Toughies)
• Black dry-mac with school badge
• Black long sleeved jersey with school badge
• Optional: Black scarf, black gloves, black beanie
Winter - Intermediate/ Senior/ FET Phases (Grades 4-7):
• Tartan skirt
• Long sleeved white shirt with school badge
• Thick black stockings (Woolworths stock non-ladder tights)
• Black unisex velcro shoes (Green Cross or Toughies)
• Black long sleeved jersey with school badge
• Black dry-mac with school badge
• Black Blazer (Compulsory from Grade 4) with school badge
• Tartan tie – Optional: Black scarf, black gloves, black beanie
School Uniform
Summer Uniform - Boys
Foundation Phase (Grades 1-3) & Intermediate/ Senior/ Phases (Grades 4-7):

• Grey shorts

• Short-sleeved white shirt (open neck) with school badge

• Black unisex sandals (Green Cross or Bata Toughies)

• Red hat with school badge – school has stock

Winter Uniform - Boys
Foundation Phase (Grades 1-3) & Intermediate/ Senior/ Phases (Grades 4-7):
• Grey long pants
• Long sleeved white shirt
• Grey long socks
• Black unisex velcro shoes - multipurpose (Green Cross or Bata Toughies)
• Black dry-mac with school badge
• Black long-sleeved jersey with school badge
• Black Blazer (Compulsory from Grade 4) with school badge
• Tartan tie– red/ black/ white - Cunningham tartan
• Optional: Black scarf, black gloves, black beanie
Physical Education Kit Physical Education Kit
All grades:
• Black sport shorts
• White golf shirt with school badge/ tartan collar
• White/Black ankle socks
• White takkies
• Black School tracksuit with school badge
• Black/red speedo full costume
• Red swimming cap
ALL items are to be CLEARLY MARKED with learner’s name.
Assessment by Professionals
There are numerous highly qualified, professional therapists who are able to assist learners experiencing difficulties. A recommendation will be made as to the type of intervention required.
The school is committed to helping the parents find a suitable professional once a challenge has been identified. Challenges are brought to a parent’s attention after careful observation over a reasonable period of time. Parents are expected to respond by taking the recommended action within two weeks.
The school is to be kept informed as to what steps are being taken to address the challenges ie  assessment reports and progress reports. All documentation submitted to the school will be deemed  confidential and be kept in the learner’s file.
All referrals are done with only the child’s best interest in mind. Early intervention and consistent, intensive work on the problem area are the keys to success.
Extra-Mural Activities
The school will offers a wide range of extra-mural activities. Learners are expected to take part in at least one activity per term. A learner who has signed up for an activity is obliged to attend the practices as   detailed, or to provide the coach/teacher with a valid excuse in good time. Once committed, the child is obliged to see the season through.
All dates, times and kit details will be advised at the beginning of each term. Each child is to complete a sign-up form during register class.
All extra-murals depend on the availability of coaches and sufficient interest from the children.  Please encourage your child to participate.
Certain activities are offered by external providers, and will carry an extra cost. If this is the case, please make payments directly to the appropriate coach and NOT into the school’s account.
P.E kit is to be worn to all extra murals, unless a specific kit is required.
Your Financial Commitment
Along with your right to choose how and where your child will be educated, comes your responsibility of honouring the agreement of fees. Our programme can only reach its full potential if we have your agreement and full support. Due to Sandhurst Preparatory College® being a fully independent school, we are reliant on the development levy and school fees alone. We would ask that you consider a monthly debit order to cover your child’s fees, as this will go a long way in ensuring the effective running of the school.
Your financial commitment to the school is payable in advance over 12 months. Please be advised that fees must reflect in our account by the 1st day each month. Please remit fees in one of the following ways:
Direct deposit (stop order/ debit order or electronic funds transfer)
Credit Card (We offer credit card facilities on site)
PLEASE NOTE THAT NO cash is accepted on premises.
If you do need to pay by cash, please go to the bank and deposit it into the school account. In the interests of the safety of all concerned, we have a strict NO CASH ON PREMISES policy.
Fee Structure will be provided every year.
The accounts department will contact you should your account fall into arrears. If fees are still not paid after 30 days, your child will be suspended from classes such as Computers, Zulu, Art, Music and Physical Education (i.e All subjects that attract a larger financial strain on the school’s budget).
Our purpose is not to embarrass your child. Please make every effort to ensure we do not have to take this action.  By the end of the term, when it is time to issue reports, a letter will be issued in place of the report.  Accounts are to be settled or a payment arrangement is to be made before your child’s school report will handed over. This is to prevent accounts from falling into further arrears.
Fees are transferred out of Debtors into Bad Debts after 60 days, and the account is handed over for collection. All avenues will be explored in an endeavour to recover outstanding school fees. At this point, membership to Sandhurst Preparatory College® is retracted, and your child may no longer attend the school.
The school may also terminate the enrolment of learners in the event of continual late payment.
Offenders of late payment of school fees will receive a telephonic reminder, as well as a written warning. In the event of three written warnings, parents will be notified to seek an alternative institution for their child.
Banking Particulars:
Sandhurst Preparatory College
Standard Bank
Branch Number: 004205 – Jan Smuts Avenue branch
Account Number: 001955373
Reference: (Please use your child’s NAME & SURNAME as reference when making payments, otherwise there is confusion where surnames are the same).
Development and maintenance contribution
The development and maintenance contribution is in place to ensure the fast-tracked development of facilities for all learners. It must be paid no later than 30 days after acceptance, or your child’s place will be forfeited.
Notice of Departure
At least ONE TERM’S written notice must be given before departure; failing which, ONE
TERM’S fees must be paid in lieu of notice.
If notice is to be given in last term, it is to be given before the 1st of September.
The only case where payment in lieu of notice will not apply, is if there is an agreement between the
management of the school and the parents, that it will be in the best interest of the child to be moved
at short notice. 

Detailed School Statistics

Suburb:   Lowest Grade: Grade 1   Boarding: No
City/Town: Johannesburg

  Highest Grade: Grade 7   Lowest Boarding Price P/A: N/A
Province: Gauteng   Lowest Tuition P/A: R41575.00   Highest Boarding Price P/A: N/A
School Type:   Highest Tuition P/A: R46200.00   Curriculum: National Curriculum
Religious: Secular   Administration Fee:   Teacher/Pupil Ratio: 24:1
Number of Pupils: 200   Founding Year: 2014   School Phase: Prep School

Associated schools

Stepping Stones Pre-Primary School

Visit school website

Pre-prep School Principal:

Margot van Ryneveld

Prep School Principal:

Margot van Ryneveld

Contact: Margot van Ryneveld

Tel: 0117840452/3/4

Fax: 0866841320

Email School

Physical Address:

81a Olympai Avenue



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